About Us

“What strikes the oyster shell doesn’t damage the pearl” 


Have you ever wondered why Allah has placed something so beautiful, valuable and precious as a pearl within the shell of an oyster?

Undoubtedly, in the formation and protection of a pearl, lies great lessons for us to contemplate over. A protected pearl bears many similarities with a woman who is veiled thereby being protected from human touch and sight. Islam has liberated women by designating a specific dress code to honour and protect a woman’s dignity.

Sadly, the western doctrines have negatively influenced and brainwashed millions of Muslim women into believing that a free western lifestyle is the yardstick to their success. The western media has misled women into believing their ideologies thereby causing women to imitate their lifestyles without critical analysis.

The position of women in Islam is often misinterpreted by the west and Muslim women are portrayed as voiceless, oppressed and uneducated individuals. Islam regards women as pivotal role players in the development, nurturing and preservation of society.

Veiled Pearl’s objective is to inspire, motivate and equip the pearls of our society who feel they are susceptible of being caught in the trap of the west. We aim to assist women grappling with modern day challenges through our inspirational content.