The Lap of The Mother – The First Maktab for a Child

People generally suppose that a child should be left to play in its first few years, so the child is left to do as he pleases. This is the type of foundation that we have laid for the child. Of course, this does not mean that the child should be formally taught, but a Muslim home should be a Maktab. There cannot possibly be a better teacher for the child than the mother and father themselves. It is ironic that those who play nursery rhymes, music, videos and television channels to their children in their homes later complain about their children.

They have no right to complain. Their example is of a person who chops his own legs with a chopper and then complains of the consequences. Our rise and fall is within us. It is extremely important that we teach the Qur’aan Sharif to our children at home

[From the advices of Maulana Abdul Hamid Is’haq]

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